Heena Jethwa is your Leadership & Personal Development Coach at 100BesteCoaches

Heena Jethwa

06 2477 1963 

Leadership & Personal Development Coach

Empowering leaders to shine, I assist individuals in liberating themselves from limiting beliefs, guiding them to lead with purpose and passion rooted in their values. Through fostering moments of self-reflection and cultivating self-awareness, together, we embark on a journey to help YOU embrace joy, unlock your potential, and lead with confidence.

Coaching with me

In a world where complexity often clouds our vision, finding clarity and purpose can be a transformative journey. As your coach, I work with you to help you discover your true potential. Together, we’ll reflect on your experiences, accomplishments, and aspirations, paving the way for a deeper understanding of your leadership style and drive. It’s not just about ticking boxes of qualifications and skills; it’s about uncovering the essence of who you are and aligning your actions with your core values. 

Leadership, at its heart, is about more than just personal success—it’s about making a meaningful impact and fostering positive change within your organization. By grounding your leadership in a clear sense of purpose, you can inspire and empower others, creating resilient teams that thrive in the face of challenges. We will work together to understand where you are today and work towards your future goals.

About me

With nearly three decades of experience navigating the ever-evolving landscape of software, consultancy and leadership, I understand the challenges leaders face. I recognize that leaders need to be inspirational yet resilient, driven yet empowering, decisive yet collaborative. Finding this delicate balance is critical to becoming a leader.
Overcoming fears, embracing discomfort, and pushing growth beyond the comfort zone is something I am no stranger to. I am committed to empowering emerging leaders to break free from limiting beliefs, fostering moments of self-reflection, and cultivating self-awareness.

Coaching Credentials & Approach

As an Associate Certified Coach (ACC) accredited by the International Coach Federation (ICF), I am also an IPEC Certified Professional Coach (CPC), Energy Leadership Coach (ELI Practitioner), and Core Leadership Coach.
The transformative journey of acquiring credentials and learning continues to shape personal growth and expertise. Additionally, I am a speaker, advocating for diversity, inclusion, leadership, and coaching.

Leadership & Transformation Coach

As a leadership and transformation coach, I specialize in helping leaders stop holding back and become the leaders they are meant to be. With a background in leadership, innovation, and technology, I thrive on assisting individuals and teams to think outside the box and lead with their true value and strengths.

Heena Jethwa

06 2477 1963 